UNI(di)VERSITY is a three-year project co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ project and coordinated by UNIMED, which involved several institutional partners, including the University of Barcelona, the University of Rome La Sapienza. the EUA “”EUropean University Association”” .
For this project we provided graphic and IT support and created a dynamic web portal linking the research carried out by the partners and the respective documents produced.”

Brand Design

What is behind the design of a brand’s visual identity? Nowadays we are inundated with images and visual stimuli, it becomes more and more important to think of the brand as a series of codes (visual but also conceptual and value-based).
These codes become credible and functional when they are respected, followed consistently and externalised by the brand.


In developing the project’s web portal, we focused on the outputs and results produced by the partners. We therefore assigned a colour code to each output and created dynamic pages.

Editorial Layout - Atlas

For the EUA European University Association we designed and graphically edited the document by Henriette Stoeber “Atlas – Higher Education Diversity Strategies For Migrants and Refugee Inclusion”.
The results of the research were also organised interactively within the UNI(di)VERSITY project website.

Editorial Layout - Toolkit

For the University of Barcelona, we designed and graphically edited the document by Cati Jerez ‘Integral Toolkit’. The results of the research were also collected and presented on the UNI(di)VERSITY project website.

Social Media Content

Starting from the brand guidelines, a Social Media Pack was designed and made available to all project partners for the promotion and dissemination of UNI(di)VERSITY. Both graphic content and animated videos were produced.

Video Editing

Finally, video content and interviews with project partners were edited and made available on UNIMED’s YouTube channel.
